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This version was saved 15 years, 8 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Katie Day
on February 9, 2009 at 12:24:23 pm

Why should I think of a nappy when making research notes?


Thinking of a nappy when making notes helps you remember the basic information you need to keep track of for books and websites:


(click for a larger image)


Name / Author / Place of publication / Publisher / Year


What is the MLA style of bibliographies?


The official format for bibliographies at UWCSEA is MLA (Modern Language Association).




Author last name , Author first name .  Title Place of publication :  Publisher , date published .




Gibbons, Gail.  Caves and Caverns.  New York:  Harcourt Brace, 1993.

Ride, Sally and Tom O'Shaughnessy.  The Third Planet.  New York: Crown Publishers, 1994.





Author last name , Author first name .  "Title of webpage."  Name of website Place of publication Publisher , date published Accessed dd-mmm-yy .  <URL of website>




"Global Concerns: Turning ideas into action." United World College SE Asia. Singapore, 2007.  Accessed 06-Feb-09. <http://www.uwcsea.edu.sg/cgi-bin/WebObjects/StudywizPortal.woa/4/wa/page?wosid=N17gCWpAyXH2RwepUz2pYM&pid=1235>


"Is Pluto No Longer a Planet?".  National Geographic for Kids.  9 Oct 2008.  Accessed 18 Jan 2009.  <http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/Stories/SpaceScience/Pluto-planet>

Practice formatting book and website entries


Promethean interactive whiteboard flipchart to download:  Bibliography1.flp

(Slideshare version of it:  coming soon)


Bibliography Worksheet to download:  Bibliography worksheet.docx


Creating Bibliographies -- or Citation Lists -- using the School Library Catalog


Watch this video of how to use the school library catalog to create bibliographies in the MLA format. 



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